WAYNE—Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) is helping the town of Wayne recover from tornadic conditions after a storm swept through the area early Tuesday morning, Dec. 13.
Sam Porter, interim state DR director, reported DR teams began serving in Wayne that Tuesday morning, helping in areas of chainsaw units and feeding crews.
“We have just activated DR in Wayne,” Porter said. “At least 30 homes were affected that we know of at this point. We have chainsaw crews and some others like a small feeding unit for workers and responders.”
Rick Harrison, pastor of Wayne, First, met with local authorities about the conditions of homes and businesses. Wayne, First also experienced damage to its building.
“We appreciate so much the thoughts and prayers that have come to Wayne after the tornado,” Harrison said. “We appreciate Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief coming down as quickly as they have in helping with everything. Fortunately, no one was injured that we know of at this time, but there is a lot of damage, and we appreciate that Oklahoma Baptists always want to help in these situations.”
For more information on Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief or to donate to DR, visit okdisasterhelp.org.