Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) and other Baptist leaders are discussing plans of how to serve children in need of meal assistance, in the event of a teacher walk-out in April.
Don Williams, State DR Director, and Jim Lehew, associate pastor of Oklahoma City, Emmaus, have outlined three possible avenues to help children and communities.
1. The Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s (BGCO) Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief operation is connecting with Baptist associations across the state to activate local DR feeding units (there are approximately 20 units), that can prepare and provide hot meals.
2. Oklahoma Baptist are working to arrange for truck-loads of pre-packaged meals that local churches can distribute.
3. They are encouraging Oklahoma Baptist associations and churches to take a prayerful and active role in discovering the community’s plans and needs.
“Our mission is to serve people in the Name of Jesus,” Williams said. “If Oklahoma Baptists can do our part in helping children, families and communities amid this potential crisis, we are honored to play our part.”
Please look for updates here at okdisasterhelp.org