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Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR) debris removal crews responded quickly after severe thunderstorms and damaging winds knocked out power and scattered debris overnight in at least two areas of central and northern Oklahoma Aug. 13-14.

DR crews were on the scene in both Owasso and Hennessey prepared to assist homeowners and business owners with debris removal. Ryan Deatherage, associate DR director, said chainsaw teams were on the job early on Aug. 14 in Owasso and scheduled to begin work in Hennessey on Tues., Aug. 15.

The roof of the children’ ministry area at Hennessey, First was ripped off by intense winds estimated at up to 90 miles per hour.

“The metal roof and the red steel beams that supported it were blown off and actually flew over powerlines and landed about a half-block away on top of a house,” said Pastor Shane Bennett.

Bennett said the church’s sanctuary and several other buildings were not damaged by the storm, adding that the church is acting as a base of operations for the Oklahoma Baptist DR volunteers.

Kingfisher County Emergency Management officials also set up a shelter for people in Hennessey at the old gym next to the library on Main Street.

In the Tulsa area, power outages were reported in several areas following strong surface winds that reached more than 80 miles per hour as a storm intensified near Verdigris and Owasso just after midnight Aug. 14. Owasso police reported that some roads were closed because of downed power lines and debris across roadways.

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