MADILL—Tornadic activity struck the Kingston/Madill area around 6:45 p.m. Monday, March 21. Don Williams, director of Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief (DR), pictured above, reported DR team members are responding to help in this area of southeastern Oklahoma.
“We will have assessors and chaplains on the ground this morning,” Williams said, reporting a request to provide initially 175 meals a day during this recovery process.
Joe Ligon, senior associate executive director of Oklahoma Baptists, spoke to Keith Rogers, pastor of Kingston, Texoma Southern, who reported the church building was damaged, and the parsonage was damaged as well.
Williams said a DR incident command station will be set up at Madill, First, and chainsaw and mud-out teams are standing by for assessments.
“We are familiar with the tornado response,” Williams said. “While this is devastating to the churches and the community involved, we know how to help, and we’re going to be there with them to walk beside them and work through this.”
For more information on Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief or to donate, visit